05:31 | Joanne Leighton

I am often asked what is it like to participate in a particular city – I sum it up in one WORD: Breathtaking! It was such an extraordinary experience holding a presence over the city of Graz, words could never describe it.
Such a beautiful city, with so many memories. Visiting the city first in 2012 … when Werner invited me to talk about mounting the Vigil. An almost 10 years later here I am standing in the beautiful Shelter designed by Benjamin Tovo + Alexander Krischner … we always called it a labour of love! Thank you to Werner for making this possible, and to La Strada team, thank you to Susanne my companion and thank you to the vigil trainers and the dedicated companions. And thank you to the fellow vigils, 731 in all … each of us taking our place individually to make this collective chain throughout the year. Coming out of the confinement with time to reflect on how we live, I am ever more engaged to bring and make art in the city, a necessary act in our world today, bringing us together. A special thanks to Stefanie for watching over the vigils!